Babylon the great devours everything on its way (2008)
[Posted Monday 11 August, 2008, 00H31] A friend of mine I like and respect very much, asked me lately why I was not showing some photo shots of my island. She meant Martinique.
In reality, my roots are african, and not from Martinique or the French West Indies. I am not a West Indian, even if I have lived there for some years with my parents. First, I am born in France, my father is african, my mother is japanese, and I have lived a little bit everywhere. I am of african origin, as my father is black and I do not question myself about where I was born, simply my skin is black therefore I am african.
I think that my friend did not look carefully at my blogs, because there are quite few photos of Martinique : beaches, landscapes, photos of what I think is important at the moment. In my shots, you will not see Babylon, cities are not nice enough to be captured in a photo. And after all Babylon bores me, it is too present in my everyday life ! Babylon the great is everywhere on this planet. Babylon the great devours everything on its way. Babylon detests the opposition. Babylon the great is the biggest danger for the entire humanity. Babylon the great knows this, but she wants us to become her slaves to better control us.
Facing Babylon the great, there are small resisting tribes, which are fighting to stop Babylon from swallowing everything, from destroying as it habitually does. Babylon has been harmful to earth. Babylon the great has tried to divide us to better reign as the omnipotent mistress of the world. Babylon the great has found the mean to scatter entire population elsewhere to enslave them for life.
The problem my friends is that they want us to believe that we are free but no one is free. The big Babylon gives you, yes, but to have a stronger hold on your life.
Babylon would like to be compared with Jah, but Jah cannot be matched ? Babylon wants to play Jah’s role, Jah watches over us, Jah comforts us, Jah supports us, Jah shows her love ! What is Babylon doing for us, apart from pissing us off, apart from taking our money to invest in some weapons to kill our brothers and sisters ? What is Babylon doing for us, apart from creating a world of slaves and suffering ?
Babylon cannot be like Jah, she has not his forgiveness. Babylon does not forgive your past mistakes. With Jah, you can repent at least once for each fault, as long as it is not repeated. With Babylon you make one mistake in your life and the whore never lets you forget it.
Babylon pushes us to have pre-conceived ideas about our brothers and sisters. Babylon pushes some to become racist towards the same race as their own, meaning the human race. Babylon pushes us all to become criminals. Babylon pushes us towards a life we don’t want, in Babylon everything is a world of lies.
Babylon the great does not spread good seeds, she only engender future killers. Babylon creates an equal number of victims and of killers. Babylon is terrible, Babylon is the world of Beelzebub. If you are looking for the Devil, go to Babylon, you will find him at every crossroad, you will find him at every street corner, you will find him in the heart of some blood sucking human. A long time ago, city people went to the countryside to hunt witches, priestlings, judges, badgers and others went on crusades against the small people of the country. If you were unlucky to be born red head, you were labelled as a sorcerer, your final destination was the bonfire, idem for the children. If you were mulato or black you were automatically a criminal or a thief, your destination was the rope or the chopper.